Regional Priority Project List Process

How to Submit a Project:

向艾迪森县新葡京娱乐新葡京博彩官网提交一个项目,以考虑将其列入区域优先项目清单, 将完成的项目表格通过电子邮件发送给Fred kenney: FKENNEY@ADDISONCOUNTYEDC.ORG

Regional Priority Project FormDo not fill out this form online. 将表格下载至你的电脑,填妥并保存表格. Then email as an attachment to

DEADLINE: Regional Priority Project forms may be submitted anytime. But, 将一个项目包含在下一轮评分和优先级排序中, the Form must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on the last Friday in October each year.

Goal: 编制一份符合若干资格要求的高度优先经济及社区发展项目清单(见下文). 区域名单被认为是有生命的、动态的文件,不断更新和编辑. The lists will be used by federal, state, 区域和地方组织了解该地区的资金需求,并允许区域经济和社区发展工作人员将联邦和州的资金公告与项目相匹配.

地区清单列出了每个地区最优先的项目,每个地区的前10个项目将被纳入提交给商务部的全州综合清单, who will share it with other funders, 供州和联邦资助者在作出资助决定时使用.

Process: 区域优先项目程序包括每年实施的三个主要步骤:

  1. 使用项目表格进行区域征集和项目提交.
  2. Regional scoring and prioritization.
  3. 将十大区域项目合并为一份全州范围内的优先项目清单,并提交给商务部.

Eligibility and Scoring Criteria: 项目应符合以下标准,方可列入区域优先项目清单. 这些是将用于对每个项目进行评分和优先排序的标准. 根据项目满足每个标准的程度,对每个标准进行评分和优先级排序. For example, 一个真正“准备就绪”的项目(除了资金缺口之外没有实施障碍)将比需要许可或项目经理没有现场控制权的项目得分更高. A second example is a project that creates 20 new, 高收入的工作将比保留少量工作的项目得分更高. 满足更高程度标准的项目将获得更高的分数,并被置于更高的优先级. Because the lists are living and dynamic, 每年都可以将项目添加到列表中,并且随着项目发展更充分,更充分地满足标准,优先级会提高. 项目必须至少通过提交一份 Project Information Form.

  • Project Purpose and Benefits to the Region: 该项目应在该区域建立改善经济和社区发展的能力. Projects that advance economic and community development, 这将促进可持续发展战略和区域计划的目标, and address the most pressing needs of the region, will score highest.
  • Project Timeline, Milestones, and Status: 如果获得资金,这个项目应该准备好开工, including factors such as site control, engineering and design, permitting, and funding identification and commitment. 项目还应该确定里程碑和可衡量的结果.  Projects that are considered “shovel-ready;” that is, the project is underway, ready to implement or close to ready, and identifies milestones and outcomes, will score highest. 
  • Project Principal Experience: 该项目应涉及成功执行过类似项目的实体, managed federal or state grants, and/or successfully developed similar business models, 或者涉及提供足够经验的伙伴关系或合作. 展示有经验的项目经理或提供经验的合作/伙伴关系的项目, will score highest.
  • Project Support and Regional Need: 该项目应处理和促进地方和区域经济和社区发展目标, 由环境发展规划及/或区域计划或其他研究及报告厘定,并得到社区的支持和参与. 除非仍有需要,否则该项目不应重复或重复该地区正在进行的项目或计划, such as with housing or childcare; rather, projects should fill a need in the region. 解决区域计划中所表达的区域目标且不重复的项目, will score highest.
  • 项目成本、已确定和承诺的资金/融资以及资金缺口: 项目应该有一个包括项目总成本的预算, identified sources and uses, and a clearly identified funding gap. 项目描述应说明项目所追求的资金来源, the status of those funding/financing sources and, if not secured, identify when the sources are expected to be committed. 此外,确定资源的类型(现金,赠款,贷款,实物赞助,第三方实物等).) and describe which resources can serve as a match, noting that, for example, 一些拨款来源不允许联邦基金与其他联邦基金相匹配.  Projects that include a budget, all funding information, 是否有可由州和联邦资源解决的已确定的差距, and have firm funding commitments and a match, will score highest.
  • Job Creation and Retention: The project should create or retain jobs. 项目说明应估计要保留及/或创造的永久及临时工作的数目, 包括创造工作的时间. 保留工作和/或创造新工作的项目得分更高.

如果您想查看以下任何项目的项目信息表,请 contact ACEDC

2024 Addison County Priority Project List

Regional Priority Project Scoring Matrix 2024 (.xlsx file)

2023 Addison County Priority Project List

Regional Priority Project Scoring Matrix 2023 (.xlsx file)

2022 Addison County Priority Project List

Regional Priority Project Scoring Matrix December 2021 (.xlsx file)